Introduction to PRS

Welcome to, a video series that helps us to hear the Bible together at work.  Reading the Bible aloud in community.

Public Reading of Scripture or PRS is a biblical tradition. Here is more information on it.

The Four Pillars of PRS are:

  1. Listening, not just reading:  Revelation 1.3
  2. In Community: 1 Timothy 4.13 
  3. Regularly:  Psalm 1.2
  4. The Whole Bible, not just favorite passages:  Matthew 4.4

It takes 98 hours to read the Bible.  We believe it is important to turn to God’s word.  If you spend 2½-4 hours weekly listening to the Public Reading of Scripture app, alone or with a group, you will hear the entire Bible 1-2 times in one year.  

We invite you to download the free Public Reading of Scripture app from the app store.  It has a Bible tracker to monitor your progress.

Tracking transforms “trying” to read the Bible into training: Just like soldiers, athletes, or hardworking farmers. 

1 Timothy 4:13 says “Until I come again, devote yourself to the public reading of scripture, to preaching and to teaching.” So, immerse yourself into all three disciplines: Join a Public Reading of Scripture group, attend a Bible-teaching church, and learn new things by reading books written by credible authors. 

In James 1.22 we are instructed, “ But don’t just listen to God’s word.  You must do what it says.  Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.” Putting God’s Word into action, specifically showing His love to everyone we encounter, will lead to fullness ofan abundant life and point people to Jesus.  This includes how we conduct ourselves at work and treat our co-workers.

You will find information about PRS, JSU, and at these three sites: