Start a Group is a simple, easy, free way to launch and implement work-related small groups to hear God’s Word and commentary on work relevant topics.

No preparation is needed (Note: some leaders like to read the transcript in advance and prepare a few discussion questions). All you have to do is gather your group, either in person or using an online video-conference service. Share your screen and play the video we provide. The video walks you through a complete Bible study, including an introduction to the Bible passage, a dramatic reading from the Bible, a commentary on the reading, and time for group discussion. Each session is designed to last 55 minutes.

How to be a Group Leader

  1. Set a time and date to have your first session, either online or in person. 
  2. Invite friends, co-workers or others you know.
  3. Decide which session to use for your first meeting.
  4. If you're using Zoom or another online platform, test your system in advance to make everything works.
  5. Gather the group for your first session.
  6. Pull up your chosen session in a browser. Share or project your screen and sound and press play.
  7. When the video ends, ask a simple discussion question such as "How does this apply to your work?"
  8. Keep the discussion flowing until it's time to end the meeting.

Requirements to be a Bible Study Leader

  1. Curiosity… in both what the Bible says and also in what other people think.
  2. Being willing to personally engage with the videos. You are learning along with the rest of the group. Your role is not to be the teacher. You are there to draw out what people think.
  3. Being prepared to ask discussion questions, and to give everyone in your group the opportunity to share their thoughts.

Not Required

  1. Prior experience as a Bible study or church leader. 
  2. Expertise in the Bible. You do not need to be a Bible expert to be a leader. The only “expert” in this study is the Theology of Work Bible Commentary that is read in the video.
  3. Approval from All videos are free to use under the Creative Commons license. Meeting Agenda

  1. Leader gathers the group in an online meeting.
  2. Leader shares screen and audio.
  3. Leader plays video. The video includes:
    • Introduction to
    • Introduction to the day's Bible Reading
    • Psalm read as opening prayer
    • Dramatic Bible reading
    • Time for quiet reflection
    • Reading from the Theology of Work Bible Commentary covering the Bible passage
    • Prompt for group discussion

Ready to Get Started?

Go for it!! All of us at are so excited about what God will do through these studies in your life and the lives of your friends!

There are no requirements for getting started. If you'd like us to list your group on the Join a Group section of our website, email us at [email protected] with the details of your group.

Tips Articles: